Bluesite IT Consultancy

designed for ASQ/ANSI/ISO 9001:2015

SharePoint Quality Management System Setup Guide

Step-by-step instructions for creating lists and libraries for actions, processes, quality objectives, risks, opportunities, and more. Configuring notifications and deadlines for conditional formatting and uploading document templates.


  • Create a List for Issues . . . Page 2
  • Create a List for Requirements . . . Page 4
  • Add a Property for Issue or Party . . . Page 5
  • Updated! Create a Document Library for Processes . . . Page 5
  • Create a List for Actions . . . Page 8
  • Create a List for Risks and opportunities . . . Page 11
  • Create a List for Objectives . . . Page 12
  • Updated! Create a Document Library for Procedures . . . Page 15
  • Create a Document Library for Reports . . . Page 19
  • Reorganize Navigation Menu . . . Page 20
  • Update the Homepage . . . Page 20
  • Updated! Create a Teams and Channels . . . Page 21
  • Activate News Post Digests Email (optional) . . . Page 23
  • New! Change Navigation Orientation (optional) . . . Page 24
  • New! Add the User Guide (optional) . . . Page 25

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to the browser window in which you will work

SharePoint QMS Setup Guide and Document Templates

Content of this download (.zip)

  • .pdf, Setup Guide (23+ pages)
  • .docx, .xlsx, .pptx, 10 Document Templates

last update: March 12, 2024

only 52.30 USD
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260 copies already sold

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am April, 17. 2024

"gut aufbereitet, wenn die Umsetzung auch so gut klappt, wird es super!"

on January, 10. 2024

on October, 24. 2023

"It would be good to have information on other processes"

on October, 24. 2023

on October, 15. 2023

"Your instructions were very detailed and easy to understand. Keep up your very good work."

on September, 28. 2023

on September, 25. 2023

"Ich brauche eine Anleitung wie ich die Erstellte Seite jetzt benutze."

on July, 25. 2023

on July, 3. 2023

on June, 27. 2023

on May, 24. 2023

on May, 20. 2023

"I was in the process of creating an IMS/QMS and found your guide and purchased it, your guide has assisted with most of what I aimed to complete and have built further off it. Thank you for your efforts and hope to see more templates in future."

on March, 23. 2023

"Excellent Work. It saved me tons of time and easy to follow. The vendor is also very responsive and helpful with any issues. "

on February, 26. 2023

on January, 26. 2023

"your document is poor, useless, please stop scamming people "

am November, 10. 2022

"Die Anleitung ist eindeutig und einfach (auch für Anfänger). Und bei Fragen bekommt auch schnell eine kompetente Antwort. Sehr zufrieden!"

on November, 8. 2022

on July, 27. 2022

"Liebes Team, generell ist die Anleitung super. Jedoch scheint mir, das in der Anleitung, die ich bekommen habe ein Absatz fehlt. Ich bin von Anfang bis Ende die Anleitung durchgegangen und habe dann unter "Navigation bearbeiten" den Unterpunkt Qualitätsziele gefunden. Zu diesem Punkt steht jedoch nichts in der Anleitung. Gerne hätte ich noch diese Unterlagen von Ihnen ;) - Sie können diese senden an *** Lieben Dank und Gruß *** ***"

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die Informationstechnologie mbH

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Monday to Friday 9:30am - 4:30pm German time

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76767 Hagenbach (GERMANY)

General Manager Mr. Dennis Scherrer
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VAT-ID DE243067424

The power in the office and all home offices where this guide was developed comes from renewable sources.