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Action management

An action management tool is quickly created in Microsoft Office - using this guide, your list of actions meets the quality management standard ISO 9001

ISO 9001:2015 requirements for a quality management action plan (QMP)

Planning actions to address risks and opportunities

Actions to deal with risks and opportunities must be planned, but no action plan is complete. 14 categories to choose from support you in creating the most comprehensive action plan possible.

List of actions for ISO 9001:2015 based on the Microsoft Work progress tracker template
List of actions for ISO 9001:2015 based on the Microsoft Work progress tracker template

Status of customer satisfaction actions, corrections, and improvements

In contrast to planned actions on risks or opportunities, actions must be taken to increase customer satisfaction, correct mistakes or generally improve something. The modern board view by status offers the best overview here.

Board view by status on actions for an ISO 9001:2015 QM system
Board view by status on actions for an ISO 9001:2015 QM system

Prepare the evaluation of planned actions

In the text field for the evaluation, it is already determined during the planning of the action how the effectiveness will be assessed. The evaluations of the actions and the status are important inputs for the regular management evaluation.

Board view by status on actions for an ISO 9001:2015 QM system
Board view by status on actions for an ISO 9001:2015 QM system

👉 This action list is an importend part of a SharePoint Quality management system.

Configure action list

Create a list for actions in the quality management system (ISO 9001), based on Microsofts Work progress tracker template with a modern board view and samples

On-screen guide (.pdf)


Revision February 2022, for free

Guide 'Create action list' (left in image) next to Microsoft Lists
Guide 'Create action list' (left in image) next to Microsoft Lists

Setup SharePoint list templates

As a global or SharePoint admin in Microsoft 365, you can provide this action management list template for users in your organization. When users create new lists, they can select from these templates alongside the built-in templates from Microsoft. This enables your organization to create action management following ISO 9001 for teams and projects.

Template, script, picture (.zip)


Revision March 2022, for free

Create a list in SharePoint using Templates from your organization
Dialog 'Create a list' in SharePoint using 'Templates from your organization'

Step 1 - Download list template and thumbnail

Download the .zip file and extract the contents directly to your downloads folder

Step 2 - Upload thumbnail

Browse to and sign in.

In the upper-left corner, click (App launcher), and click SharePoint.

In the upper-right corner, click Settings, and then click Site contents.

Click Site Assets.

Click Upload, and then click Files.

Select List-template-thumbnail-ISO-9001.png from the .zip file and click Open.

Step 3 - Install SharePoint Online Management Shell

Download the latest SharePoint Online Management Shell

Install the latest SharePoint Online Management Shell (uninstall previous versions before installation).

Step 4 - Customize and run PowerShell script

Open SPO-installation.ps2 with Windows PowerShell ISE, replace "SampleOrg" with your company name in Microsoft Office, and run the script.

Applicable to all standards following the High Level Structure (HLS) ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 27001:2013, ISO 45001:2018 and ISO 50001:2018

System requirements: This quality management system configuration requires Microsoft's SharePoint Online service. SharePoint is included in Microsoft 365 Business Basic/Standard/Premium or available separately as SharePoint Online Plan 1+2. No other third-party tool or add-on is required.